Chemical Information Management
KCMA establishes and manages customized chemical DB
Customized Solution for Chemical Management
Question 01.
Why is chemical A regulated by regulation B?
Question 02.
Does regulation C amendment affect chemical D?
Question 03.
Can I confirm hydrate, isomer, salt and etc of substance E?
Question 04.
Can I confirm regulation information on chemicals that my company handle?
Customized solution for chemical management
KCMA will be the solution from now on
Establishment and Management of Customized Chemical DB
Establish and manage customized DB of substances treated by the companies to respond to the legislation enactments and amendments.
Induce accident reduction and fluent environment/safety/health related job performance within the companies by establishing DB and complying with the right regulation
Manage chemicals that affect human health and the environment by updating the DB of substances regulated by domestic and foreign policies.