
  • 2024

    02Inauguration of the ninth Chairman, Kyu Bum KIM
  • 2019

    12Current office:KCMA B/D, 34, Gomdallae-ro, Yangcheon-gu, Seoul
  • 2015

    02Inauguration of the eighth Chairman, DongJun Moon
  • 2012

    03Relocation of the office: 6F, Union Building, Bangbae-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul
    02Inauguration of the seventh Chairman, JinSu Park
  • 2011

    02Inauguration of the sixth Chairman, YoungHo Bae
  • 2009

    02Inauguration of the fifth Chairman, JunSu Han
  • 2006

    04Relocation of the office: 3F, Wooil Building, 1623-2, Seocho-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul
    02Inauguration of the fourth Chairman, JinSu Park
  • 2002

    08Relocation of the office: 613-2,Bulgwang-dong, Eunpyung-gu, Seoul
  • 2000

    01Inauguration of the third Chairman, GwangRyun Kim
  • 1999

    05Renamed to ‘Korea Chemical Management Association’
  • 1997

    01Relocation of the office: 5F, Jungwon Building, 1566-8, Seocho-gu, Seocho-dong, Seoul
  • 1995

    11Inauguration of the second Chairman, WonBae Park
    03Renamed to ‘Hazard Chemicals Control Association’
  • 1994

    07Relocation of the office: 702, Seogyo Building 395-166, Seogyo-dong, Mapo-gu, Seoul
  • 1991

    03Inauguration of the first Chairman, GwangJin Park
    03Establishment of ‘Toxic Chemicals Control Association’
Inquiry : +82-2-3019-6734 Chemicals Affairs Coordination kcmacac@kcma.or.kr