Chemical Safety Education

Chemical Safety Education

KCMA strives for hazardous substance safety education and fostering chemical safety expert

Hazardous Substances Safety Education

Education for technical human resource and hazardous chemical supervisor Provide education for hazardous chemical supervisors (supervisors and inspectors), and technical human resources in accordance with CCA.
Education for hazardous substance handlers Provide education for risk management plan and off-site impact assessment draftsman, hazardous substances handler, and hazardous substances direct handler employed by hazardous substance operator or contractor in accordance with CCA
Education for hazardous sales manager without handling facility Provide education for hazardous sales manager without handling facility in accordance with CCA
Education for hazardous substance transporters Provide education for hazardous substances transporter in accordance with CCA
Education for hazardous chemical supervisor license Provide education for the subjects who want to be appointed as hazardous chemical supervisor in accordance with CCA
Education for hazardous sales manager(without handling facility) license Provide education for the subjects who want to be appointed as hazardous chemical sales manager (without handling facility) in accordance with CCA
Education for off-site·risk composers Provide education for off-site impact assessment and risk management plan composers in accordance with CCA

Chemical Substance Management Training

Chemical substance management course for hands-on workers Provide whole education from regulation explanation to actual cases to improve job performance and expertise in chemical substances management so that the workers can autonomously respond to environmental regulations.
Chemical substance registration and evaluation course for hands-on workers Provide whole education on ARECs registration and evaluation from regulation explanation to confirmation and registration of chemicals to strengthen expertise and job performance
Chemical substance handling facility management course for hands-on workers Provide customized education in accordance with hazardous substance handling, installing and operating standards of CCA to strengthen expertise and job performance
Risk assessment composition course for hands-on workers Provide customized education from the basics of risk assessment composition in accordance with the registration standards of existing chemicals to strengthen expertise and job performance
Chemical verification and DB establishment course for hands-on workers Provide customized education about verification of regulated chemicals to strengthen expertise and job performance
Chemical regulation compliance practical course Provide customized education for chemical confirmation, establishment of inventory, performance report procedure, computation of PRTR to strengthen expertise

Self education program

GHS & MSDS cooposition course Enhance ability draft GHS and MSDS by providing practical curriculum such as GHS introduction, gathering hazard·risk information and etc.
Off-site impact assessment composition course Enhance ability to draft off-site impact assessment by providing practical curriculum such as off-site impact assessment introduction, general information, information using KORA and comprehensive practice
Hazard substance handling facility management course Enhance hands on experience on hazard substance facility inspection and safety diagnosis by providing overall information when operating hazard substance facility such as CCA introduction, facility safety diagnosis and etc.
Inquiry : +82-2-3019-6734 Chemicals Affairs Coordination